Lure Mepps AGLIA FLUO size 3
COLOR: chartreuse
HOOK TYPE: Treble hook
Aglia Fluo is equipped with a petal with a very bright matte color, which gives an advantage when fishing in the dark, at great depths and in troubled waters. In addition, MEPPS often publishes photographs of a submerged panel in the information material, which carries a brand painted in the color of this variety of Aglia. The hue changes more or less significantly, and sometimes even becomes unrecognizable. In addition, the color of the rotating petal in the water seems to be slightly softer than in the air under sunlight. Such clear information once again warns the angler about the inadmissibility of categorical assessments in the still very little studied area of fish physiology.Aglia Fluo is another confirmation of this. Spoon-baits were successfully applied in transparent water at very insignificant depths. Most likely, the first place should be given to a thorough study of the characteristics of each particular reservoir, without forgetting the general recommendations. The Fluo petal is clearly visible even when illuminated with ultraviolet rays reaching the deepest depths. Stimulated by ultraviolet light, it continues to glow for a long time, even when other colors completely disappear from sight. In addition to depth, this bait is very good in troubled waters and in cloudy weather.
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